There is something definitely going on at the hospital where I work. There are sooooo many pregnant women. I am/have made quilts for 4 of them. Brian (our CEO) and his wife just had a precious little girl, Kirsten. Her quilt was made with a charm pack and yoyo's for the flowers.
Haley is having a baby boy next week (Parker Liam). This precious quilt is flannel and so soft. This is the first time I placed a border and fabric strips on the back.
Jenny doesn't want to know what she is having and either does Jennifer. So the two latter will have to wait. Wellllllll actually - I know what Jennifer is having. I went with Jennifer when she had an amniocentesis - and I have "the envelope please...." with the sex of the baby in my drawer - and yes, of course it is open! SO I am making that quilt - but shhhhh - it is a secret.
Is is pink or is it blue? (all quilts were quilted by Michelle Pettorini)
Good for you to be making so many quilts for others! I hope they each appreciate the work you're putting into them. They look lovely.