Monday, July 26, 2010

Feeding a baby

"Hey YOU! GG - I am really hungry! This scowl on my face isn't me poopin'"

"I'm so hungry - I think I will eat my fingers.......

or my bib!"


" Ahhhhh mmmmmmmmmmmmmm "
He really was quite sweet through the entire process. He really does say "ahh mmmmmm" when the spoon goes in. He is starting to mimmick. :-)

Sunday, July 25, 2010

John Deere

Brody's Pappa Jerry painted and cleaned up Rusty's old John Deere tractor. (Rusty is Brody's daddy.)
Brody loved his tractor this morning. First he was happy to just sit and hold on to the steering wheel - but not for long! Like I said - he is a busy little boy. Before long he was standing up and doing a little jig.

Weekend with Brody

I spent the weekend with my grandson - Brody. Last time I saw Brody - he was just learning to sit up by himself ... sometimes.
Boy - I have forgotten how quickly things change with babies!
He is a busy little man!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Don't drink the water...

There is something definitely going on at the hospital where I work. There are sooooo many pregnant women. I am/have made quilts for 4 of them. Brian (our CEO) and his wife just had a precious little girl, Kirsten. Her quilt was made with a charm pack and yoyo's for the flowers.
Haley is having a baby boy next week (Parker Liam). This precious quilt is flannel and so soft. This is the first time I placed a border and fabric strips on the back.
Jenny doesn't want to know what she is having and either does Jennifer. So the two latter will have to wait. Wellllllll actually - I know what Jennifer is having. I went with Jennifer when she had an amniocentesis - and I have "the envelope please...." with the sex of the baby in my drawer - and yes, of course it is open! SO I am making that quilt - but shhhhh - it is a secret.
Is is pink or is it blue? (all quilts were quilted by Michelle Pettorini)

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Gotta LOVE Family Time

Bill and I have had a couple of great weeks with our kids. Our oldest grandchild, Kelsey flew in from North Carolina and traveled with us west to Omaha to watch our newest grandchild, Brody get baptized. The rest of the North Carolina fam flew in a week later. Janelle, Brayton and I drove the opposite way to Iowa City to have dinner with our son, Mark and his fabulous fiance, Kristy. We then went to South Dakota to watch Brayton race. Rained out both days :-( Everyone at the race was totally bummed - but Bill and I were happy! Rain could not take the smiles off of our faces after being able to spend a short amount of time with our kids and grandkids.