Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Bigger than Life

My Uncle Donald died on July 28, 2010. He was 60 years old. Too young to have been taken from us, however he filled my life with such love and happiness.

Donald's family was his pride and joy. He left behind his wife of 39 years, Marie, his 8 children and 17 grand children. At his service his children each spoke about their dad. I sat in the pew and wrote down the words as they spoke them with tears of sadness for our loss and joy for being part of his life.

"Integrity, love, devotion, strength, courage, faith, with great compassion for others."
These were the words that described my Uncle Donald. They talked about his boisterous laugh and how he never met a stranger. These are the things, I too, remember about this man that we all loved.
"A friend to all, served his country and fellowman, a true family man, a great teacher, big storyteller, Heart of Gold! He was Truly Bigger Than Life!"